Tag: Paignton Beach
Grid View- Bit overdressed for the beach Year: 1925 SAND 0043
- Boarding a pleasure boat from the beach Circa. 1930 SAND 0013
- Elsie and Gladys Hodgson Year: 1938 SAND 0015
- Enjoyment on the beach Circa. 1922 SAND 0035
- Group of ladies with small boy Year: 1909 SAND 0031
- Large group on the beach Year: 1923 SAND 0033
- Paignton Beach 1927 Year: 1927 SAND 0027
- Paignton Beach and Promenade Circa. 1930 IBBS 0023
- Paignton JubileeArch Year: 1938 IBBS 0027
- Paignton Promenade Year: 1956 Paig 0999
- Picnic by the Beach Tent Circa. 1930 SAND 0047
- Preston Esplanade Paignton Pres 0173
- Sands and Promenade Preston Pres 0155
- Setting off around the bay Year: 1928 SAND 0021
- Sitting in the sun Circa. 1930 SAND 0001
- Stroll along the esplanade Circa. 1925 SAND 0045
- Strolling along the esplanade Circa. 1930 SAND 0003
- The Sands Preston Year: 1930 Pres 0153