Tag: Paignton Beach
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Bit overdressed for the beach Year: 1925 SAND 0043
Boarding a pleasure boat from the beach Circa. 1930 SAND 0013
Elsie and Gladys Hodgson Year: 1938 SAND 0015
Enjoyment on the beach Circa. 1922 SAND 0035
Group of ladies with small boy Year: 1909 SAND 0031
Large group on the beach Year: 1923 SAND 0033
Paignton Beach 1927 Year: 1927 SAND 0027
Paignton Beach and Promenade Circa. 1930 IBBS 0023
Paignton JubileeArch Year: 1938 IBBS 0027
Paignton Promenade Year: 1956 Paig 0999
Picnic by the Beach Tent Circa. 1930 SAND 0047
Preston Esplanade Paignton Pres 0173
Sands and Promenade Preston Pres 0155
Setting off around the bay Year: 1928 SAND 0021
Sitting in the sun Circa. 1930 SAND 0001
Stroll along the esplanade Circa. 1925 SAND 0045
Strolling along the esplanade Circa. 1930 SAND 0003
The Sands Preston Year: 1930 Pres 0153