Tag: The Victoria and Albert Inn
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Greetings From Stoke G\briel Circa. 1960 STGB 0397
Stoke Gabriel Circa. 1960 STGB 0385
The Snuggery Victoria and Albert Stoke Gabriel STGB 0161
The Victoria and Albert Inn Stoke Gabriel Circa. 1950 STGB 0107
The Victoria and Albert Stoke Gabriel STGB 0229
Tudor Bar Victorie and Albert Stoke Gabriel STGB 0163
Victoria and Albert Inn Stoke Gabriel Year: 1962 STGB 0289
Victoria and Albert Inn Stoke Gabriel Circa. 1960 STGB 0285
Victoria and Albert Stoke Gabriel Year: 1972 STGB 0401